ALIA 2014, Bangor, UK

An Exploration on Intuitive Interfaces for Robot Control Based on Self Organisation

Had the pleasure the  pleasure to present at the Artificial Life and Intelligent Agents Symposium, that took place in at Bangor University on the north Wales coast.

ALIA 2014 brought together Artificial Life and Intelligent Agent researchers to discuss the current challenges in the field and discuss the latest research. This highly interdisciplinary field has applications in many areas including robotics, creative sector and life science and is in a constant state of development.

My first presentation of my PhD work, and I had the chance to meet very bright, highly engaged researchers of the field. The committee did well in bridging the gap between research and technology, engaging industrial partners and ensuring productive discussions through the social activities.

The program of the Symposium can be found here.

Selected papers were invited to submit their work for a chapter in Springer's Communications in Computer and Information Science, book series.

The publication can be found bellow,


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